About me
Riccardo Forina, web developer
Hi! My name is Riccardo Forina.
I'm a front-end and back-end developer with strong operations management skill. If you want to contact me, you can do so through LinkedIn, Google+ or Twitter.
I' m a front-end developer and back-end developer with strong operations management skill.
In my free time I work on open source projects and write technical articles on my website.
Technical Skills
javascript, python, django, css, less, jquery, backbone.js, angular.js, nginx, memcached, mysql
Senior Frontend Web Developer @ Lumata
In Lumata I am involved in the task of renewing the whole UI infrastructure of one of Lumata’s main products, moving from a web application built with GWT to a web application built with Angular.js. To ease the development I have also defined a Maven-like process built on top of Grunt, Yeoman and Node.js.
Web Architect – Prodigys Technology January 2010 - June 2013
- Plug & Play social plugins (like Facebook's)
- Hight traffic (more than 500k visitors/day) plugins, served by a single Amazon EC2 machine with less than 2Gb RAM.
- SSO proxy
- A wrapper around XML based web services to add web 2.0 capabilities (cross-domain, json). Optimized to reduce latency using non blocking sockets to fetch more data at once. High traffic (> 1Mln request/day), but still runs on a single EC2 machine.
- Vodafone Lab mobile website
- A backbone.js powered mobile version of the Vodafone Lab website (http://lab.vodafone.it/m/)
- Frontend consultant
- Provided technical support and reports to optimize the loading speed of Vodafone Italy web portal.
- Team leader
- Introduced GIT and django in the job workflow and script-based deploys.
Web programmer – Neo Network September 2009 - January 2010
- Website frontend & backend
- Asp.NET MVC powered; high traffic; custom user registration.
- Website porting from .NET to Django
- Rework of the paneangeli.it website, based on a proprietary .NET CMS, adding progressive enhancement, Salesforce integration and SEO optimization (from a single page architecture to hundreds of indexable pages).
Analyst Programmer – IMILLE Srl February 2008 - September 2009
- Custom CMS
- Worked on the award winning website pandistelle.it, built with python (django); integration with a SOAP based SSO (helped to test and enhance it).
- Various website
- PHP based
- Attended Computer Science
- Not completed for career opportunities – University of Turin 2001 - 2003
- High school
- Informatics and telecommunication - ITIS Amedeo Avogadro 1995 - 2001
Projects & Interests
- django-admin-bootstrapped - https://github.com/riccardo-forina/django-admin-bootstrapped
- A Django application to provide bootstrap theming to the admin interface
- status-jquery-crawler – https://github.com/riccardo-forina/status-jquery-crawler
- A plug&play javascript application to check for broken links in a website.