django-admin-bootstrapped compatibility list

To ease you in the choice of what admin theme to use

Posted February 25th, 2013 in django-admin-bootstrapped

You may already know that django-admin-bootstrapped is a Bootstrap theme for the default Django admin application.

Maybe you even know that with it you can also translate an application name, add custom html (eg. an help section) to the change_list/change_form views, and sort inlines with - almost - no code.

But whay you may not know is how compatible the project is with the django apps ecosystem.

Well it's good! This is a list of known complex apps that just works with django-admin-bootstrapped.

Known compatible django applications


The pony powered CMS with Frontend-Editing. More...


The webshop for professionist with deadlines. More...

Zinnia's Blog

Just another Django Weblog. More...

django-wysiwyg-redactor (since django-admin-bootstrapped 1.6.3)

django-wysiwyg-redactor is a lightweight wysiwyg editor. More...

Instructions: you have to create a Widget on top of the RedactorEditor like this.


If you know a compatible app tell me using the comments below and I'll gladly add it to the list.